Agricultural Production

Agricultural Production
At Agro Systems, we engage in agricultural production to provide high-quality, nutritious food crops and livestock products to communities across Cameroon.
Key areas of our food production include:
Maize Production
We cultivate maize using climate-smart practices on our farms. Maize is a versatile cereal grain that provides nutrients and calories in the Cameroonian diet. Our maize is sold to food processors or as dried grain to local markets.
Cassava is a staple carbohydrate source in Cameroon. We propagate improved cassava varieties that are drought-tolerant and resistant to major diseases. Our cassava is processed into gari, starch, and other products.
We grow greenhouse and open-field tomatoes using organic methods. Our tasty, nutrient-rich tomatoes are sold fresh to stores, restaurants, and neighborhood markets.
Yams are an important traditional carbohydrate crop. We produce yams sustainably using low-tillage techniques that protect soils. Our fresh yams are supplied to food distributors across Cameroon.
By producing maize, cassava, tomatoes, yams and other crops, we aim to increase availability and affordability of nutritious, locally-grown foods for Cameroonian families while maintaining the health of soils and ecosystems.
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